A construct of our mind,
we exhaust our self’s trying to
slow-burn limited time.
Preoccupied with death,
we’re afraid to live life out
to our temporal last breath.
Time’s a fickle guest at best…
Time stays too long,
time stays too short,
yet we exhort it to
leave us more.
leave us more.
A great serpent that
swallows its own tail,
time doggedly stings us
like a stepped-on nail.
Stumbling and swearing,
we complain time isn’t fair!
Time feels sharp, and we
try to defeat it, by more doing dare.
How do we slow it down?
Make love to it with need?
Cheat death with time?
Stretch it with Einsteinian speed?
Can we turn
time on a dime?
Please, stop the
march of time!
march of time!
Dying ends time's brutal
march with death…
Can we mortals kick out
this untimely guest?
Can we mortals kick out
this untimely guest?
Dying is our self’s
way of killing time.
But, why should we kill
something so sublimely fine?
The Art of Dying is about
nullifying self’s demise.
My intention is to practice
dying, so I wisely keep trying.
Why fight time’s ending?
Why fight non-existent time?
Self is no friend to self; so Self,
destroy mind's time bending!
destroy mind's time bending!
Let ego’s time go!
We’re spiritually timeless!
Let time go it’s own way;
don’t let the serpent beguile us!
We’re endless,
and we’re timeless!
Just like the serpentine
Wheel of Time.
Without beginning or ending,
and with purpose-full
just let time go!
just let time go!
The Art of Dying
is surrendering and swallowing
that serpent in the Garden,
is surrendering and swallowing
that serpent in the Garden,
and existing forever,
for our ever un-ending…
for our ever un-ending…
Copyright (C) 2011 by Michael G. Hesley
All Rights Reserved