Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sculpting Souls

With foolish notions,
and mixed emotions,
and setting a lofty goal, proudly,
I set out to sculpt my own Soul.

There were no books,
and no teachers nor lessons;
but I saw golden examples
of man’s best intentions.

The perplexing answer
seemed outside to be…
What should I do? “Fix it,”
my self said to me.

But my Self said, “It isn’t out there,
it’s your attitude and emotions.
So, humbly bare your heart, and
stop your self's commotions.”

My Self said, “Be still,
let silence be your guide.
Listen to your Self, and forget
your precious personal pride.”

“You’re going around in circles,
and of that there is no further need.
Meditation and calming your self
is now your Selfless deed.”

So, I stood aside with
silence and patience,
and I felt the resistance
that’s been shaping me.

I saw that ugly map,
where I was trapped,
that was always just
outside of me.

I saw the Sculptor and
felt the tranquility. What's
The Sculptor? Our Souls,
as mine kindly sculpts me...

© 2013 by Michael G. Hesley
All Rights Reserved